North Park Chamber Singers to Perform in Final Bach Week Festival featured image background

North Park Chamber Singers to Perform in Final Bach Week Festival

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North Park’s Chamber Singers have been chosen to participate in the last ever Bach Week Festival in the culminating May 5 concert, a performance of Bach’s famous Mass in B Minor.

多年来, North Park musicians have been invited to perform in dozens of Bach Week Festivals, an event organized by a small group of Evanston-based volunteers. They say that after 50 years of performances, with a few COVID-19-related interruptions, it’s time to retire the beloved festival, which features the Baroque-era work of Bach and his contemporaries.

For their part, North Park’s Chamber singers will perform at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Evanston in a concert led by the festival’s Music Director Richard Webster and featuring a variety of performances by renowned local singers. Webster told WFMT, 芝加哥’s classical music radio station, “that it’s the right time for Bach Week to bid adieu, and on a high note.” Read more at the WFMT site.

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