

North Park University’s urban location is a part of our identity. With this setting comes the important responsibility of maintaining the health, 安全, 以及学生的安全. 住宿生活工作人员, 还有校园安全和安保人员, provide many resources to aid in students’ 安全.


Officers patrol the campus 24 hours a day and are on call at all times. 访问 校园安全与保安 了解更多信息.


不管你是走在校园里, 把CTA带到另一个社区, 或者去另一个州旅行, North Park’s personal 安全 app for your smartphone will help you stay safe and connected to your friends, 家庭, 急救人员. 了解更多.


Our residence halls and 公园北 have front desks staffed 24 hours a day by attendants. Desk attendants monitor who enters and exits the buildings, and offer assistance to students in an emergency by calling the Resident Assistants on Duty, 校园安全, or 911.

When students enter a living area with a front desk, they must show the desk attendant their student ID. All guests must be checked in by a host, and accompany their host at all times during their visit.

为了居民的安全, all of the front doors to the living areas with desks are closed and locked at all times. Residents can enter the building by using their ID or the buzzer system at the front door of the building.

RA和Res生命专业. 值班人员

Every day from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am each living area has a Resident Assistant (RA) on duty who remains in that living area during that time. 除了建立关系, 回答问题, 帮助那些被关在外面的学生, this person is available to respond in the event of an emergency or crisis situation.

Residents should contact the front desk of their living area in order to contact an RA during an emergency. If the emergency or situation requires more assistance than the RA can provide, he or she will call the Residence Life Professional Staff member (Pro. Staff) who will help respond and call further help if needed. 如果有必要的话, the front desk or the RA will immediately call 911 and 校园安全 for assistance, 然后是Pro. 值班人员将得到通知.


住宿生活专业人员. Staff) and RAs conduct routine health and 安全 inspections twice per semester in each living area in order to ensure the health and 安全 of North Park’s on-campus residents. 检查的领域包括:

  • Excessively dirty or unhealthy rooms or apartments
  • Appliances that are 安全 concerns (microwaves, air conditioners, space heaters, etc.)
  • 高强度灯/灯泡
  • 与健康和安全相关的维护问题
  • 易燃物品(将被没收)
  • 不安全的阁楼或堆叠的家具

住宿生活工作人员 notifies residents about the dates of inspections weeks in advance through email, 传单, 和海报. While the staff members are not specifically checking for Student Handbook policy violations during this time, any observed violations will result in disciplinary action.


To protect your personal items, it is important to keep your room/apartment door locked at all times. 如果你选择带贵重物品到校园, please be aware that you bring these items at your own risk, as North Park is not responsible for the possible damage, 损失, 或者盗窃这些物品. 确保您的物品受到保护, talk to your insurance company about coverage under your 家庭’s current homeowners policy or purchasing renters insurance, 或者访问这个 免费的资源.


海盗飞船 is a free vehicle service that operates continually during evening, 深夜, and early morning hours with stops at key locations around the North Park campus. Students, faculty, and staff can get on and off the shuttle at any of the identified stops. 的 海盗飞船 is driven by a North Park Safety Officer, providing an additional level of 安全 for passengers and a secondary patrol of the campus perimeter.

When the 海盗飞船 is not in service, students may be able to use the North Park 保安陪同服务. Vehicle and walking security escorts are available to assist individuals who are in need of transportation assistance or have 安全 concerns.


Staff members of the University’s Physical Plant are available to assist you with any maintenance needs your living area may have. 参观 物理设备网站 学习如何提出维护请求.

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