Residence Life and Housing

Returning Student Housing Information

Housing policy: campus housing requirement

澳门网络赌博游戏要求本科生头三年住在校园里, with exceptions for those who are commuter/local, part-time, married, or over the age of 21. Review the housing policy and housing terms and conditions; there are financial penalties for not abiding.

通勤/本地学生与他们的父母或监护人住在校园30英里半径内. These students must also submit commuter applications for approval to live off-campus.

If you are currently a campus resident, 请查看NPU的电子邮件,查看居住生活和住房办公室的住房申请链接.

Housing deposit

当你第一次在北公园注册住房时,你支付了250美元的住房押金. 你在北公园的整个学习期间,我们都会保留这笔押金等你毕业时还给你. 如果我们评估任何损失费,你毕业后收到的金额可能少于250美元, lockout service fees, key replacement fees, or other housing process fees during your stay in on-campus housing.

Returning student housing sign-up


Following spring break each year, 住宿生活举办信息会议,解释有关室友选择和住房申请过程的具体细节,为归国学生.

What must I do to apply for housing?

  • 您必须注册全日制2024年秋季课程(至少12学分). 
  • Your $250 housing deposit must be up to date. If you need to address this, you will receive an email.
  • You have updated your emergency contact information.
    • Log in to your Self-Service account.
    • Click on “User Options” on the left navigation menu.
    • Click on “Emergency Information.”
    • Select “Add Contact.”
  • To request apartments/houses, 到2024年春季学期结束时,你必须至少修满60个学分.


Housing selection timeline

2023 - 24学年的住宿申请将于2023年4月10日开放. Below are the application deadlines:

  • Apartment/house reclaim application: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 
  • Apartment/house new application: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 
  • Residence Hall reclaim application: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 
  • Residence Hall new application: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 

学生可以在5月1日至5日期间申请更换室友或房屋分配, 2023.

Housing assignment timeline

  • Apartment/house reclaim application: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 
  • Apartment/house new application: Thursday, April 20, 2023 
  • Residence Hall reclaim application: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 
  • Residence Hall new application: Thursday, April 27, 2023 
  • Late applications: Friday, April 28, 2023; then every Wednesday in May 
  • Room Change Request form: Monday, May 1–Friday, May 5, 2023 

When and how will I find out about my room assignment?

返回住宿的学生可以在网站上查看他们的住房分配和室友信息 Self-Service as soon as we assign them campus housing. 我们将在返校住宿学生收到住房分配后(在3 - 5个工作日内)为在校通勤学生分配校园住房。.

What’s new this year?

  • Different applications for returning residential students: There are different applications for different deadlines. 请提交正确的,以避免没有得到你喜欢的住房分配.
  • One application per group: You will apply for housing as a group rather than as individuals.
    • For example, if you and two friends want to live together, you will submit one application for the three of you.
    • 申请要求每个小组成员签署并附上大学住房协议条款和条件. We will not process applications with missing signatures.
  • Must meet occupancy number: For example, to reclaim a double-occupancy room in Burgh Hall, you must have a roommate or reclaim it as a double-as-single room. To apply for House – 5031 N. Spaulding, you must apply as a group of five. 不符合入住要求的团体或个人将面临住房分配延迟. 我们也会根据需要分配额外的室友来满足入住要求.
  • Room change request week: 在5月1-5日这一周,你可能会要求改变你2023-24年的住房分配或室友. To do so, 通过我们发送到您的NPU电子邮件的链接提交房间变更申请表.
    • 一份提交给新小组的申请,要求改变室友/住房分配
    • Must collect all required signatures
    • Processed on a “first-come, “先到先得”的原则,只有当所要求的房屋分配在当时可用时

Frequently asked questions

A:如果你在截止日期前申请,我们会根据学生的情况分配住房 在春季学期结束时,整个小组完成的总学分数. We base any late applications on completed credits and 在我们处理相关申请的当天所要求的住房的可用性.

答:我们不能处理住房申请,直到小组中的每个人都注册了秋季学期的全日制课程. 请参阅上面的清单,以避免您的小组没有获得首选的住房分配.

Q: What if I want to move off-campus?
答:检查你是否有资格成为一名通勤学生,然后提交一份 commuter application. 如果你不符合条件,仍然搬到校外,我们将向你收取违规费.

Q: How much does housing cost?
A: Review the housing prices here.

Q: Do I need to have a meal plan?

Q: Can a sophomore live in an apartment?
A:住公寓或房子的学生必须是低年级学生, 这意味着到2024年春季学期结束时,他们已经完成了至少60个学分. Exceptions to this are students who are above 21 years of age.

Q: I have or need housing accommodations, what should I do?
A: Please contact the disability access specialist at